Know this movie?? It's GREAT!! well...for most of the people except for one..Guess who?? My English teacher!!How great is that. She said various bunch of stuff that my class can't even think of. Let me get this straight, she is also currently a sociology teacher so most of the time she talks about sociology<<<<<
MY DAYS!! There is nothing in the world that she has not criticize on. Yup..Don't believe me? Just Watch. She started speaking, "Have you guys seen Avatar? Great movie isn't it??" then Roger suddenly interrupted her, "Miss, did you bootleg to see this movie" she then replied, "That's it Roger, you're getting detention!". She continued to speak again with a furious look, "Nooooooooooo...that's corruption people! and I'm not a corrupted person!". She said that this movie isn't really what you really think. It's about greediness she said. Humans just want whats better for them and doesn't care for the others!. I thought to myself, "This is a great topic! well it also waste the time..Hooray!!". She continued to speak again but now with a disgust look, "This movie is all about corruption people! Humans are greedy and that's a fact! They don't care about others and they just want what's better for them. For those who have seen the film, what's the truth behind the movie..yes we all know that the humans went to another planet to get some kind of mystical item or something and a group of people betrayed them. That's not all to it. It is about people trying to get what they want in a violence way! Maybe you won't understand this today because you guys are just cute little puppies (Yukks)". She finally continued the ENGLISH lesson and about 5 minutes, the bell ring!!
Get it pal? Sometimes it's good to listen to stories that are happening nowadays. She constantly said that the world works on only one thing THE CORPORATE WORLD! To end this post, I'm glad to say that Football(Soccer) has got nothing to do with the corporate world which she's still insisting on saying it. Sayonara
Posted in
Life in School
February 17, 2010 at 10:09 PM
Football has nothning to do with corporate world? Many football clubs are business entities run by capitalists. The players - C. Ronaldo, Rooney, Beckham etc- are their workers. Please ask Google so that you know who own the big clubs.