

racism? YES!! it is now one of the most corrupted idea about mankind. well...i wouldn't call it natural disaster but mental i've got a few examples to show u guys. by the way..if the person s reading this...NO OFFENSE..violence is never the we go!

Example 1


x = Muhammad Hafiz Saharuddin
y= Madihah Hasanah Zainuddin
z= Ahmad Ziyadiy Zainuddin

i think the incident begins after school, last year. and x were unofficially invited by y. well i'm not quite sure we were invited or not..anyway..z were playing a game in his computer...the game is called "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire". know the show? the game was incredibly difficult. it was a rapture in the beginning of the game, eventually we got really mad and started pissing off at the game well not literally as a metaphor i mean...don't think it the wrong way. anyway back to the game...our brain became a metal!! even y and z didn't make it to the we frequently start the game again if we lose...(yippi!! here come the exciting part!!). it all begins when x said that he wanted to become a president..everyone was quite..i, myself thinks he is kidding coz he is never serious well...z started laughing and said, "GO HOME LA...BY HOME I MEAN IN INDIA!)...that's true...x was born in india. he even got a birthmark which he constantly said it is a tattoo. y, z including me started giggling..then another word comes out of z mouth, " YOU TOO LA...GO BACK TO PAKISTAN ALSO..".....i was stunned so as x. another hour later...we went home but that is the harshest teasing i've ever had in my life.

well..that's the first example here come the next..which i think it is also a racism in my point of view. hope there is no snitchers here!!xD

Example 2

( no legend is given)

this incident happened is my school. it is just a little incident. it was xyz period at that time. teh teacher was asking for the homework to a latin look-like. she said bla bla bla.etc. and then she just left her alone with the blondie (her best friend) and started talkin' again. she then asked a black girl..she confess her excuse which i thought it was similar to the latin excuse BUT this time she constantly becoming more furious at teh girl. she said teh same thing to teh other students if u don't do it again..i'll take u to the principle...BLAGHHH!!..i can't belive my freakin' eyes!!she let the latin girl to enjoy and let teh black girl rotting alone in her wishes.

so..who said racism happens to adult only? i, myself have experienced it. truly racism is becoming catastrophe in the world to children, teens, women, men, aliens even the freaking atom..please be gentle with others...i mean we all are from the same race ; y should we treat each others differently??

to end this post, i would like to say a word...LET'S END RACISM!!!

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