First of all..I'm sick of bio!!i had to give up my only break and have to show up in front of her desk. Damn it. All of that just because i don't know an answer for a question...??BLAGHH!!!i'm fed up of science!!I made up my mind. I don't see the world as a new thing to explore, I see the world runs by the Corporate World. When i buy a cloth, i don't see if the material is good or not. I just check the brand name and where was it manufactured in . When i buy a chewing gum, i don't check the ingredients. I check the brand name, where was it made in, the HALAL sign and the expiry date. When i see that me and my family faces are almost the same, i made up my mind that genes are not the reason to this(even though it is). I see it as a common sense. I don't see the world colourful, I see the world Black and White! back to the cafe's review on my point of view. The cafe is located near my school and it was opened for about 6 months as far as i think so....jpg) back to the cafe's review on my point of view. The cafe is located near my school and it was opened for about 6 months as far as i think so...
Yea..this was the drink I chose..its called "Muddy Mocha Sundae". Sounds like an ice-cream right??well...its cream!!yea..the one u buy at any supermarket and sprays cream. Yea...that one. Crap! the mocha was very little and the rest was filled with the freaking cream. Congrats!
The sandwich was an offer. L.E 8 per sandwich. To be frank, it ain't good. I mean...its not a food shop, its a cafe shop for God's Sake. I think I can make a better sandwich than the one above! Wanna taste??I regret to buy the freaking, not-so-good mocha but the cappuccino is quite good actually. Yea...i think that's their specialty.jpg)
Aaaa...Foooddd....-Homer Simpson. TEEEEETT. The post is almost to finish but wait there is one more picture I want to end with.
Yup..i ended with my 'P0y0' look. Hahhaha.( calm down patience..don't go into your "rage" mode and start to swear at me...keep cool) Tata
March 5, 2010 at 9:08 PM
gmbr kamu mmg poyo..sejak azali lgi..
April 26, 2010 at 8:11 PM
I would choose vanilla cappuccino ;)