The story goes like this. We were doing a Nasyid song called "Cahaya Selawat"for Maulidurr Rasul. Which we rehearsed for about 3 times awkward was that. My mom told me that there were other choir than us. So when we arrived at the Duta's house, it was ok as usual. Oh yea..Our group name was Anak-Anak pisc...wkakakak...we didn't think of that name ourselves and the other was Anak-Anak Madinat Nasr. I was Even the name terrify me. But we kept our coolness and begins the action.

Yup. That's my crew for sure. The truth is WE SUCK! yea...I'll show you the next group. Which is amazing-WOW-Devastating group.
Our asses got whooped by them. Wakakak. There is another dude playing the "what do u called it" behind the ladies. And the boy sitting on the chair is incredible.Isk* Never going to this again. What a shame. just have to live by it. Without it, u got no history dude.
Yup. That's my crew for sure. The truth is WE SUCK! yea...I'll show you the next group. Which is amazing-WOW-Devastating group.
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