

Slapping a blackey and ask him to go back to his seat is part of my duty of being the Class Captain. *bows*Thank you..Thank you. But this time something happen...nah nothing big. It's just that Mustafa asked Samuel to go back to his place instead of me. Samuel pissed of and approached Mustafa face to face. I was gonna say, "Fight!Fight!Fight!". LOL...i would never do that because it would stain my reputation. So, I keep cool and just observe. Too bad they didn't fight or 1 of them start to throw punches. Sob3..Mustafa said, "If you touch me, I'll make you kiss Mr. Naguib". Samuel fled away. I was like that is the most fagot-test thing I've ever heard. That was before the history period and it continues after. Mustafa dissed Samuel again, "You spent your money on buying Gel but it's unfortunate that you don't have hair". LMFAO. Yea..that made Samuel pissed. I wanted them to fight so..Mr. Naguib will enter the class and I will talk about what happen..bla bla..AND I GET THE FAME!! fame was crushed by Bilal. He stopped Samuel. So..get lost Bilal! In break, it was quite cool. We had an interesting match between WHITE and BLACK!. awesome was that! It consist of ! Keeper and 2 desperate teams trying to win. Unfortunately..Blacky won. Isk3..

I took a short nap around 1600 but then something irritates me. I was scratching my whole damn body. was the freaking tiny ants that bit me. OUCH!! i come!!

tata my lovely fans!1

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