ok..we celebrated Madihah's birthday in IBC while I celebrate my birthday by eating kurma (bulan puasa...) then Apiz will say that I'm poor or that kind of shit and we start the "POOR" conversation :
Apiz : Have u ever been to India??
Me : No...
Apiz : Miskinnnnn...
Me : Have u ever been to Pakistan??
Apiz : Noo...
Me : Miskiinn..
the conversation will go like this....etc. now back to business..here are some photos...

Yea..this is the place alright. We went in..bought the ticket and PLAYED! We played for 2 games only la..boring..so we went to play Ping-Pong.

The dude wearing the blue shirt is me..while the psycho wearing the black shirt is Apiz (*he's the shortest* hint..). While we're having fun..suddenly, one of the staff said that we can't play double..only single..Bullshit. WTH? i thought we pay for the table not for single or double. *sigh*
anyway...forget this part.

Ceyyhhhh...sume muka poy0...wakakak..
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Wokeh..!! my crew were suppose to go to Zain's house but with the absence of a crew member we decided to postpone it till Saturday. Anyway, both options are cool for me. Yea..same old, boring procedure...finish school, go home...bla bla. As you all know.."We Malaysian Talk A Lot and Play Also a lot la.." - Chairman of the Depress club. Let me tell you the story :
"Once upon a time, in a lovely gorgeous looking palace...!!TEEEETTT WRONG!!
It really went like this...REAL TALK DUDE.
OK...after the school has ended we chit chat for a bit. Yea..Suddenly, I noticed Apiz was quiet. *
cricket sound*. Then, I was implying something (aaa..it's public) to Muaz and he mocked me back instantly. (Transformm!!)*sad face*. And he said, "Hey...don't join the Depress Club *rubbing Apiz's shoulder..I mean giving a slight slap on the shoulder*. Apiz's "emoic" face have gotten worser. Anyway, we part ways.
Then, Ahmad invited my siblings to his house to Play Ping-Pong. Of course..isn't it obvious?? I'm the Champion..wakakak..While we were playing, Ahmad teased Apiz a lot. It was such a cool incident. Example : Apiz didn't return the serve i gave him..while he was picking up the ball..Ahmad said, "xpe2..ko blom matang lagi...". He stopped. I laughed. Then I said the word "Depress Club". After 1 hour later, he posted it in Facebook. So that's how the Depress Club was made.
More to come..
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Daily Life,
"Abu...it's 9.15 am..tell Ms. Fatma to let us out because there is a match today", I whispered quietly to Abu. "No...you go tell, she won't believe us", replied Abu. "WTH?? i'm scared also..", i said again. 9.26 am. *
waiting for Mr. Mohamed to call us*9.31 am. Finally..he came!!Yahoo!!Yea..i hopped on to the bus and wait for everyone to come inside. While i was changing my shirt in the bus, my mind went blank and a memory came from the depth of my uncharged brain.
This incident also happen in the bus. What a coincidence! Let me tell you what happen. It happened on every Friday, in my school, in Malaysia. After we have our afternoon break, we usually go to the Surau in my school. It's quite small. When the bell ring and we suppose to go to the Surau directly..but it depends on the menu they gave us. It's different from the morning break; In the morning break, we buy what we want while the afternoon break..you have to eat it because it is already paid. Crap! I never like the menus..except for Friday. On Friday, we usually have chicken (like KFC) and rice. That was better than the others. I bared it until I came to Egypt. But..on Friday it's different, Classes from 4 to 6 have to go Masjid. There is another thing that is compulsory..we have to buy a 555 notebook and record the Khutbah. Awww..to be frank..they never check the book but just in case..buy 1 and pretend. We go to Masjid by a bus. Not the school bus coz we don't have one. It's RM10 per month. Let me describe the bus in a brief way.
1. It's a little bit smaller than the P.I.S.C bus
2. It is rusted
3. No Air-Con (fresh air FTW)
OK...Here's an example: if there is two seats, 4 people will seat on it. The late one will be standing between the left seats and the right seats. Damnn..torture. Let's skip that part and move the exciting one. After we got off the stinky bus, my group will stick together. For most of the students...they just take Wudu' and go inside the Masjid. But..I had a different plans. We would roam around the backside of the Masjid, run, hide etc. It was freaking cool! Sometimes we act like we are Naruto or Kamen Rider....Dammnn I missed those days. But of course..we didn't skip the prayer. Or else...Sorry..can't explain that. After the prayer has finished, the teacher would make an assembly, "4 Gemilang!!!Sini!!". Shitt..and it was unbelievably hot. But that's life. We went back to the school and the teacher continues their lessons. huhuhuhu...
Good Night!!
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Slapping a blackey and ask him to go back to his seat is part of my duty of being the Class Captain. *
bows*Thank you..Thank you. But this time something happen...nah nothing big. It's just that Mustafa asked Samuel to go back to his place instead of me. Samuel pissed of and approached Mustafa face to face. I was gonna say, "Fight!Fight!Fight!". LOL...i would never do that because it would stain my reputation. So, I keep cool and just observe. Too bad they didn't fight or 1 of them start to throw punches. Sob3..Mustafa said, "If you touch me, I'll make you kiss Mr. Naguib". Samuel fled away. I was like that is the most fagot-test thing I've ever heard. That was before the history period and it continues after. Mustafa dissed Samuel again, "You spent your money on buying Gel but it's unfortunate that you don't have hair". LMFAO. Yea..that made Samuel pissed. I wanted them to fight so..Mr. Naguib will enter the class and I will talk about what happen..bla bla..AND I GET THE FAME!! but..my fame was crushed by Bilal. He stopped Samuel. So..get lost Bilal! In break, it was quite cool. We had an interesting match between WHITE and BLACK!. Yea..how awesome was that! It consist of ! Keeper and 2 desperate teams trying to win. Unfortunately..Blacky won. Isk3..
I took a short nap around 1600 but then something irritates me. I was scratching my whole damn body. Finally..it was the freaking tiny ants that bit me. OUCH!! Sofa...here i come!!
tata my lovely fans!1
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Life in School
*sigh*Today was the day. Wohooo...we missed 3 PERIODS!!Yea baby..but i kinda regret though. The first 2 period was math. Sob3..I wish that period could've been Chem or any other subject. So today was not my day. Anyway..the first picture taken was the whole school. Yea..I mean..Holy Shittt..it was unbelievably hot. We we're trapped under the scorching sun but the Principle still insist to wear a pullover or a sweater. Damnnn..the next group photo are the Jinnah House (red). I'm in the house. So we grouped together. Senior at the back and the short at the front. So..i was in the middle. Ok..here we go!! Ready??1, 2, 3...Cut!!It was interrupted by the Principle. Apparently it was because of 2 Junior students were doing "Peace"...yea that sign..You want to know what happen?? Quietly..the principle approached the front row. With a bulldog face, he raised up his right hand and was aiming at the boys face but..of course..they're young. He stopped his action..i mean slapping the boys. And there I was at the back and LOL'D at the incident.
As usual..the class photo, individuals photo and etc. But still, It was FREAKING HOT!
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Life in School
This wacky incident happened in Carrefour, Egypt. And it's not in the middle of a desert. Wokeh! Since we didn't eat breakfast, we went to a fast food restaurant. Skipping the procedure; buying the meal...washing your hand...etc. We eat and eat and eat and suddenly my father said that the chicken taste different than the one in Zamalek. I kinda agree though. A conversation began..no..a speech began. Actually the whole speech thing is about trying to convince me not to eat at a fast food restaurant frequently. So..What The Heck! This is what he said, "Did you know that the chicken here is imported from either U.A.E or Brazil??(ok..Emirate is a Muslim country..so it's all good. And i gave him the what-the-heck-brazil face)." He brought his assistant actually and his the one who explained it to me. It went like this, "In Brazil, 4 chickens are put together. The area is about 60cm2. Yeah..they can't move at all! Except for eating. The chicken was injected and filled up with a lot of hormones. They get fat in about 2 or 3 weeks. They have no fur at all and the rooster has no(pointing at my hair). My dad continued, "So it's really not good to eat at fast food restaurant frequently". Then I bought a food costing L.E 8. It's like a tortilla filled with mozzarella cheese. I wanted to go to the mall. The moment I took my first step inside a female guard scolded me, "Ya Ustazzz..Di Mamnu''" and I was like, "Meshi". ZZZZZZZZZZZ..My mom is inside and my dad...ok..i don't know where he was currently at that time. I was roaming around the whole shopping center and look like a freaking retard. I didn't carry a bag. So I put the food inside my pocket and yeah..people got this curious look on me and wondering that what the heck is wrong with his bone? I went to that place again. Now looking like a spy. Yippi!!they didn't notice me!. Now..where is my mum! It took me 15 minutes to find her! zzzzzzzzzz..I finally put my food in her bag. Wohooo. While I was looking for a Hair Wax, Afham nudged me. He said, "Long...(it was in Malay of course) Abeer is here. (someone is blushing..if he is reading this..).". I was like that was a total lie but it wasn't. She was there. What a coincidence. I was going to say hi to her and say, "Abeer..Muaz came with me also. Yea..He's in the grocery section". But of course, I have a gentle and kind heart so I let him off the hook. But suddenly, a pain, uncomfortable feeling came upon me. I just need to go to the toilet. Oh Allah..is this the punishment you're giving me for the bad thoughts about Muaz??Why??. Arghh..forget it. So I went to the toilet. Shittt!!! I never like doing my business in a public bathroom. and this was not just about peeing...yea..the other stuff as well. Shit...no need to talk about that in this post. Thank God that was at least in Carrefour and not at the gas station's toilet in Egypt. For most of you who have never experienced this, it's quite a torture. URGGHHH!!
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I'm back!! miss me??i don't really care about that. What me makes me frustrate is that Chem has the same routine everyday. except tuesday!!YAY!! It goes like this...the teacher enters; everyone's quiet. A subsequent reactions happen; which is, "Ha, Abu! where is your paper??bla..bla..and then goes to the Andro then Mustafa and so on. What makes me angry is that..*eyebrows frown*she never shout at Hala. Shitt...You want me to swear??I'll do it. Wallahilazim!!She is always kind and generous to that girl. OK...let's move on!! now..the lesson begins...ahh..lets skip that part. hmmmm....directly after the discussion has ended, "ha...ya Muhammad Hilmi...any question??". Ya that's the routine everyday. And also..if there is an oral quiz or that sort of stuff...the first five people will be me, abu, andro, mustafa and roger. Holy.....hehehe...all of that because of.....(secret*)
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Police: 5 killed in NW Pakistan suicide attack
AP – In this photo taken Tuesday, March 2, 2010, A Pakistani soldier, centre, looks at a member of Lashkar, …If you want to read the whole story. Click
here*sigh*come on Pakistan! what's this??i thought Pakistan was already independent but What the hell?? I guess this is the true Pakistan isk2.
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oh please...hold the applause coz i need to go to the toilet.
*flushing sound*what are you guys doing?? continue the applause dude. Hahahah..just kidding. Nothing much in this post to be frank. What a funny day..to be exact, the incident happened in the Physics period. It's nothing much really, just want to share the moment with u guys. The teacher asked me that how can we find the mass of the container. Suddenly, the word just slipped out of mouth, "Density multiply by volume". "A..ahhh..by a top-pan balance. ", the teacher instantly said. God...i was so embarrassed. Anyway..the good news is that I "think" i'm in the ping-pong squad. It was as simple as this. Hey you..u know how to play ping-pong?? i replied, "Yea". My friend apiz back me up. "Yea he can play". Thanks a lot dude. Actually..he said that just because i crushed him in the game!! According to my 6th sense..i was leading 18-0. ooo....wakakak...that was the best game ever!! nothing else..so..tata..
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Daily Life