Sorry for the delay between the 2 sections. Busy downloading movies and now the internet is a bit screwed up hehe. Oh yea, I'll be starting my Movies Reviews soon!
Day 3
Azan wasn't the first thing that I heard on that morning. The mysterious sound somehow goes like this, "DI!!!TOLONG LA....BUKAK LA PINTU NI OI. AKU NAK MASUK...SEKSA LAAAAA!!!!". They're unintentionally funny you know. wakakakak. The class started at 10.30 am and last night we were suppose to come also at 8.30 pm but that was specifically for the other dudes who have taken photos with their sexy cameras. Aiseyyhh..I already told my dad to buy that kind of camera but he replied that first learn, then buy. Technically me and my bro are the only ones who doesn't have that kind of sexy cameras (don't know the general term for it hehe..). So, throughout the course, we learned theories only. You know what, another point to be noticed. All of them plays DOTA!!! the male of course. I was extremely happy and also another evidence to convince my mum. After sometime, pakcik/abg Zainal whatever la en..he said that we would go outing tomorrow to Alexandria. So abg Mahdi called my dad, he gave a green light. I already knew la that the answer would be 'yes'. My dad is the kind of guy that
1) Are you with somebody important or what? For this, the photography group. Well, basically something important that in his point of view, there is a green light in his mind before he signal it to us.
2) Who's taking care of me and my bro? For this, Abg Mahdi.
Simple. I really, really doubt that he would say 'no' if we had went to Hurgada or other quite faraway places within Egypt. The females will go early and sleep there. It's a 3/4 hour journey. He said that we will go there by the chicken train (translated to English). It's a train but you know....can't really explain here. Almost forgot, my bro declined the journey and decided to go home. Wuss.
Day 4 (probably the most interesting day of all)
I didn't sleep the other night really. We started off our journey at 2.30 am. Sleepy meh. Took a taxi to Ramses, where the train station is. OMG...this was the place where I went to Luxor and Aswan but it was a First Class. Don't think this so-called 'first class' is really a first class. Its 'not the same as the airplane when you press a button and they could wipe your ass every time you press it. =D As soon as we arrived at the station, the Chicken train was leaving. We both ran and hopped on to the door door..opening of the train. That was FREAKING COOL! I got to do this Bollywood movies action. hahaha. This is like a regular local van when you come and pay and not have to booked. We payed and searched for a FREAKING PLACE coz there ain't any. The odour in that train..ughh..and I've watched a 'Barbie in a Mermaid Tale' and now I'm gonna copy the way they speak, " you have any moree of those breathhhminttsss..." but you have to do it with the correct posture and it's perfecto! It was a rigid seat. Another point to be noticed, we stopped at Tanta and searched for a van and head out to Alexandria. It was a bumpy ride. While I was sleeping, each bumps, my head moved anti-clockwise and hit the guy next to me. Imagine that! the whole ride till Alexandria. The man was unlucky I tell you that.
The van stopped at a station in Alexandria and we ate. After that, got into a taxi and went Qala'ah where we all met and took photos there. It was an ass-tiring-photo-taking place. So click here for the photos that I had taken in Alexandria. Next, we stopped at at mosque and took photos where I slept there for a while. Suddenly, when I was in my happy place in my dream, I was woken up by one of the guys there. According to my source, one of the Frenchman blabbering why are we and the other guys sleeping. Aiseyyhh...that ruined my mood. The plane was 5.30 pm at Montaza. Took a cab again and arrived there. Zainal Halim was just showing us the beauty of light. If you click on that album, you'll see a guy modeling to show that light is very important in photography. Oh yea, I'll show you this picture which is in the album also.
hehehe...this kind of stuffs is called 'Engerish'. You can google it. Aww..such a nice warm welcome.
We prayed Maghrib in a Masjid there and we asked specifically for 2 tramco. It's a van I suppose. We asked them to be here at 10.30 pm while we went to eat between 9.30 and 10.30 pm. The van came at 12 am. A van not two. He said he was busy while we were calling him. Another 30 min were wasted. Finally the journey to home was on the way. I didn't know they stopped at a stall at 2.30 for something. Well, I don't know if that 'something' is really important or not. Abg Mahdi told the driver to stop at Ramses (not the station) to drop me and took a taxi to my house and I arrived at 3.30 am.
In my opinion, it was an ass-worth-ing experience that I benefited from it. It was a cool course!
Day 3
Azan wasn't the first thing that I heard on that morning. The mysterious sound somehow goes like this, "DI!!!TOLONG LA....BUKAK LA PINTU NI OI. AKU NAK MASUK...SEKSA LAAAAA!!!!". They're unintentionally funny you know. wakakakak. The class started at 10.30 am and last night we were suppose to come also at 8.30 pm but that was specifically for the other dudes who have taken photos with their sexy cameras. Aiseyyhh..I already told my dad to buy that kind of camera but he replied that first learn, then buy. Technically me and my bro are the only ones who doesn't have that kind of sexy cameras (don't know the general term for it hehe..). So, throughout the course, we learned theories only. You know what, another point to be noticed. All of them plays DOTA!!! the male of course. I was extremely happy and also another evidence to convince my mum. After sometime, pakcik/abg Zainal whatever la en..he said that we would go outing tomorrow to Alexandria. So abg Mahdi called my dad, he gave a green light. I already knew la that the answer would be 'yes'. My dad is the kind of guy that
1) Are you with somebody important or what? For this, the photography group. Well, basically something important that in his point of view, there is a green light in his mind before he signal it to us.
2) Who's taking care of me and my bro? For this, Abg Mahdi.
Simple. I really, really doubt that he would say 'no' if we had went to Hurgada or other quite faraway places within Egypt. The females will go early and sleep there. It's a 3/4 hour journey. He said that we will go there by the chicken train (translated to English). It's a train but you know....can't really explain here. Almost forgot, my bro declined the journey and decided to go home. Wuss.
Day 4 (probably the most interesting day of all)
I didn't sleep the other night really. We started off our journey at 2.30 am. Sleepy meh. Took a taxi to Ramses, where the train station is. OMG...this was the place where I went to Luxor and Aswan but it was a First Class. Don't think this so-called 'first class' is really a first class. Its 'not the same as the airplane when you press a button and they could wipe your ass every time you press it. =D As soon as we arrived at the station, the Chicken train was leaving. We both ran and hopped on to the door door..opening of the train. That was FREAKING COOL! I got to do this Bollywood movies action. hahaha. This is like a regular local van when you come and pay and not have to booked. We payed and searched for a FREAKING PLACE coz there ain't any. The odour in that train..ughh..and I've watched a 'Barbie in a Mermaid Tale' and now I'm gonna copy the way they speak, " you have any moree of those breathhhminttsss..." but you have to do it with the correct posture and it's perfecto! It was a rigid seat. Another point to be noticed, we stopped at Tanta and searched for a van and head out to Alexandria. It was a bumpy ride. While I was sleeping, each bumps, my head moved anti-clockwise and hit the guy next to me. Imagine that! the whole ride till Alexandria. The man was unlucky I tell you that.
The van stopped at a station in Alexandria and we ate. After that, got into a taxi and went Qala'ah where we all met and took photos there. It was an ass-tiring-photo-taking place. So click here for the photos that I had taken in Alexandria. Next, we stopped at at mosque and took photos where I slept there for a while. Suddenly, when I was in my happy place in my dream, I was woken up by one of the guys there. According to my source, one of the Frenchman blabbering why are we and the other guys sleeping. Aiseyyhh...that ruined my mood. The plane was 5.30 pm at Montaza. Took a cab again and arrived there. Zainal Halim was just showing us the beauty of light. If you click on that album, you'll see a guy modeling to show that light is very important in photography. Oh yea, I'll show you this picture which is in the album also.
We prayed Maghrib in a Masjid there and we asked specifically for 2 tramco. It's a van I suppose. We asked them to be here at 10.30 pm while we went to eat between 9.30 and 10.30 pm. The van came at 12 am. A van not two. He said he was busy while we were calling him. Another 30 min were wasted. Finally the journey to home was on the way. I didn't know they stopped at a stall at 2.30 for something. Well, I don't know if that 'something' is really important or not. Abg Mahdi told the driver to stop at Ramses (not the station) to drop me and took a taxi to my house and I arrived at 3.30 am.
In my opinion, it was an ass-worth-ing experience that I benefited from it. It was a cool course!
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