First of all, I'm sorry for the delay. I had been rehearsing for quite a while because I participated in the Annual Day. So we practiced and practiced and practiced. The day before the Annual Day, we, participants went to the Hall (where the place is) to get the actual feeling of it you know. Actually the rehearsal was shit. My Chem teacher came along. Wallahi, Me and my buddy was about to sit down right in the middle then she freaking yelled at us that we have to sit at the back.zzzzzzzzz. This is my blog yea? So I will reveal you a secret. My Chem teacher smokes and she is a freaking dentist. Although I have never seen she's smoking but the odour around her was all I need to know. Shhhh...secret, actually blow it up, I don't care (LOL!).The group to rehearsed first was the group directed by Mrs. Hend (I'm with Memma). When it was our turn, all of the teachers came to inside including the Principal. Aiseeyyhh. The Principal asked Mr. Mo'men what's the duration of the music part and this making-sure-everything-is-perfect stuffs. You know what, he asked me again to cut my hair and it was still short lew....
1, 2, 3 Fa Sol. We started our thing. There wasn't really an audience, just the teachers and when the Principal makes the sign kinda like, "Yalla, Clap!" and most of the teachers started to clap immediately. I was giggling like hell. This happen to children all the time when there is a 'boss' in the group of children. Then there is a fight (I always get enthusiastic when there is EGYPTIAN FIGHTS). The manager of the hall was pretty mad because those midgets eats and drinks in the hall and leave the rubbish there. It's different, I can't really describe the situations but they talked at first but when one started throwing fist to the other, better run away and DON'T TAKE PICTURES! coz the Egyptians Officers will enter and take the fighters for interrogation (etc.) and the one who takes pictures will also be taken to the HQ. My teacher had experienced this (Azhar student). He got beat to a pulp...nah I'm just kidding. You cannot find this in Malaysia Lol. It's true, but here go to a shop or any other places in the streets and watch what's happening around you. SICK!! Must watch. It somehow goes like this, Ya 3am, 3eeb wallahi and when it gets to the swearing part, it gets even better.
My bro is taking photos...From left : Emad, Emad's driver and me!
Imam, whom I made friend with. He kissed me as a sign of welcome. It's a tradition dude, don't think it the wrong way. If I were an Egyptian, I was suppose to kiss him back but I'm not used to this kind of thing. haha..
This is totally normal also la..haha..
Now let's go back to the real deal.
Don't remember why I was making the face..LOLZ..
My music teacher, Mr. Mo'men A.K.A Memma
A preview of the stage. They were rehearsing
Had to sit down coz of the teachers.
Sorry for the pic. My sis getting ready for her dance
Mr. Mo'men and his crew. This picture was taken right before the curtain was raised.
Another picture taken 20 seconds before the curtain was raised.
We made many mistakes. one noticed. Then more act which I cannot snap a photo coz they're not letting me to take one. zzzzz. Then the prize distribution and the National Anthem of Pakistan and Egypt and PAKISTAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL CAIRO HAD OFFICIALLY ENDED.
Abdullah (left) is leaving. Guess where is he going to? MALAYSIA BEBEH! TRULY ASIA!
1, 2, 3 Fa Sol. We started our thing. There wasn't really an audience, just the teachers and when the Principal makes the sign kinda like, "Yalla, Clap!" and most of the teachers started to clap immediately. I was giggling like hell. This happen to children all the time when there is a 'boss' in the group of children. Then there is a fight (I always get enthusiastic when there is EGYPTIAN FIGHTS). The manager of the hall was pretty mad because those midgets eats and drinks in the hall and leave the rubbish there. It's different, I can't really describe the situations but they talked at first but when one started throwing fist to the other, better run away and DON'T TAKE PICTURES! coz the Egyptians Officers will enter and take the fighters for interrogation (etc.) and the one who takes pictures will also be taken to the HQ. My teacher had experienced this (Azhar student). He got beat to a pulp...nah I'm just kidding. You cannot find this in Malaysia Lol. It's true, but here go to a shop or any other places in the streets and watch what's happening around you. SICK!! Must watch. It somehow goes like this, Ya 3am, 3eeb wallahi and when it gets to the swearing part, it gets even better.
My bro is taking photos...From left : Emad, Emad's driver and me!

Now let's go back to the real deal.
We made many mistakes. one noticed. Then more act which I cannot snap a photo coz they're not letting me to take one. zzzzz. Then the prize distribution and the National Anthem of Pakistan and Egypt and PAKISTAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL CAIRO HAD OFFICIALLY ENDED.
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