
School Time!

I believe you have heard about "Samuel". Well the most annoying thing is that he sits in front of me. Every five minutes, "Hilmi..Hilmi...Hilmi..". I believe you have also heard that I'm the Captain. So before every subject he will ask me, "Hilmi, may I go to the toilet....please". My answer is no. This guy have some weak bladder and kidney or what? Oh yea, this guy is obsessed with a girl in my class and then again...he will turn around to me and saying that this is the song that he's going to sing to her. Despite of the fact of his dis-functional physicality, he's mentality is worse. He.....nah let's not insult him here. So, my friend keep asking me, "Why is he that retarded?". My answer is simple, "Coz he's black".

The next thing is with Ms. Nerida. Believe this or and roger got a whole semester detention because of 1 question? The question was about her age. kk...I know that it's a bit personal but it's still a straight forward question. So, she has to talk to me and roger everyday. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....But i know 1 bribe that will works...muahahahhah. I will give her this apam i think. It's green. She freaking love it! and she kept asking for more and ask for the recipe. Perfect Plan eh? nahh...i don't think so. She doesn't believe in "Corruption" ; embezzlement, cheating, defamation and those kind of stuff. Who cares!! maybe she will decrease the number of detention. While in detention, she will lecture us. She's a feminist; a person who believe that both sexes is equal. She even change her last name to Atl; which means water in Native American language. Not legally yet...YET!

The moral is that never ask a teacher's age.

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