

I've been forced to write this post

Ok...topic is Should students use mobile phone?

Anyway, don't ask. Mobiles is one of top 3 technologies. As you can see, technology is everywhere. We can't live without technology because ; it helps you doing your chores, keeps you entertain, business plans and so many more. Ok, it's obvious that this paragraph is not related to the topic. This is the opening. Over the next few lines, I'll tell you why.

Let's start with the first advantage which is Lost. Nah, not the film. It makes it easier to find your friends or family right? just ring them and now you're not lost anymore. What if you got lost in an expedition or somewhere, if your phone has map of the place, you're safe. That's one of the reason why sophisticated mobile is better. Let's move on to the next.

Good for emergencies. It's obvious ain't it? dial 911 or 999...whatever to call the paramedic. For example ; You had an accident and who would you call? the paramedic of course. You can also take a few pictures for memory, evidence, alibi and share the tragedy in your blog. I'm not saying to those who use the mobile while driving...that's a shortcut to death. Technology is a life saver.

Entertainment. This is the most interesting part. It keeps us company and not being lonely. Internet, games, music and many more to enjoy. It relaxes our mind (too much games will corrupt your mind). So, you're not suffering from boredom anymore. You're not in a solitary, you're happy!

Communication. You see, I am learning about the Industrial Revolution. Which the communication was very difficult. Imagine that just to say "Hello" you have to travel 1000 km or more just to greet your family or friend. It was very tough. You never know what is happening in the world. But now, saying "Hello" is just like breathing fresh air in the morning. The most important point of all.

Features. A sophisticated mobile can replace your reminder, alarm clock and so many more which makes your life easier and easier. Capturing and recording every enjoyable moment in life is the greatest.

Heck if someone ever said that technology is useless then they're lying. It help us in everyway or another. So i am saying is that mobiles aren't only for adults only because a new generation has come. So what saying is that mobiles are useful for students and will guide them to the right path if they use it right and if they misuse it, it will go to the left path...nah..i mean the corrupted path.


Art, Science, Computer and Social Studies Exhibition


So i came to the school at 1 o'clock sharp. MC(Mr. Chemistry, Mohammed Chemistry...whatever..) wasn't there also at that time. So I wait and wait and wait. But of course, he had to come. Then me, Hala and Ante followed him to the lab. First, I was going to do Sodium Acetate thingy and was changed to The Elephant's Toothpaste.In the Lab

haih....damn tired of waiting. I might as well take a quick nap.I got to wear these lab coat. eeeeeee...but it's quite big actually.

Mozza eh?=_='

The Paki Ambassador were running out of time..or whatever. Each subject can only represent 1 experiment to the Ambassador while there are still other experiments. zzz...Principal these days. And the most awkward thing happened.'s like this, after the ambassador had finished watching Bio, it's Chemistry. The guy who is representing his experiment was next to me and from the start, I asked Hala to swap places but I don't wanna get slapped. So I kept quiet. When Dr. Omar introduce the Chemistry experiment, he was suppose to tell to the Ambassador about the experiment that Chemistry is representing which is Making Soap or something. THEN, he said my experiment, The Elephant's toothpaste. She(Ambassador) said, "hmmmm..the soap experiment can wait, i would like to see the elephant's toothpaste". I was like WTF, OMG. So i explained and showed my experiment. Suddenly, i forgot my lines for conclusion. Now it's major WTF. experiment finished. The title was too catchy.

School Time!

I believe you have heard about "Samuel". Well the most annoying thing is that he sits in front of me. Every five minutes, "Hilmi..Hilmi...Hilmi..". I believe you have also heard that I'm the Captain. So before every subject he will ask me, "Hilmi, may I go to the toilet....please". My answer is no. This guy have some weak bladder and kidney or what? Oh yea, this guy is obsessed with a girl in my class and then again...he will turn around to me and saying that this is the song that he's going to sing to her. Despite of the fact of his dis-functional physicality, he's mentality is worse. He.....nah let's not insult him here. So, my friend keep asking me, "Why is he that retarded?". My answer is simple, "Coz he's black".

The next thing is with Ms. Nerida. Believe this or and roger got a whole semester detention because of 1 question? The question was about her age. kk...I know that it's a bit personal but it's still a straight forward question. So, she has to talk to me and roger everyday. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....But i know 1 bribe that will works...muahahahhah. I will give her this apam i think. It's green. She freaking love it! and she kept asking for more and ask for the recipe. Perfect Plan eh? nahh...i don't think so. She doesn't believe in "Corruption" ; embezzlement, cheating, defamation and those kind of stuff. Who cares!! maybe she will decrease the number of detention. While in detention, she will lecture us. She's a feminist; a person who believe that both sexes is equal. She even change her last name to Atl; which means water in Native American language. Not legally yet...YET!

The moral is that never ask a teacher's age.

DotA Night

Ok. Hafiz decided to have a sleepover at my house. Studying? Think again. DOtA..guess it's obvious from the title eh. Anyway, we played and played then sleep. We had 2 losses i think and many victories thanks to me. Dota night could have been better with husni. But, he's in Malaysia now. That was some over-controlled night. With Hafiz trash talking throughout the entire's worse. But, the most memorable game was the one we played with some random players in USA. What an epic conversation! This happen to all dota players. When they're losing, the started to blame their team. His name was Rayyne_Man I think. And i was owning them at that time. I wouldn't say that the game entirely perfect because it's lagging. The host was kinda noobish. After the game had finished, we went to sleep.

zzzzzzzzzzz....Damn tired..


Let start with the morning assembly shall we?

OK. Usually the Qur'an recitation would go well but when the prefect called someone named Aisyah i think. *moment of silence*...All the teachers directly looked at Apiz and said, "". hmm..what verb should i use? terrified, shocked, scared...etc. and to cover up he said, "*laughing* hehhehe..nooo". should have seen his face. Anyway..they chose Hamza.

Nevertheless, we went to the usual club for P.E. Wohoooo..and the match was friggin' exciting. team were losing 2-0 and they were all like HAhahaha..Booyaaa...zzzzzzzzz. But we focused on the game and WON! 5-3..woooo...I scored a hat trick. HEhehehe. After the match they were like My team sucks and that kind of losers-saying-stuff.

Then some news came upon me. I was volunteered to participate in the Science & Art Exibition. Wooohoo..YAY ME! huahuahuahua..Anyway, HAVE A NICE SLEEP!

Futsal Competition

Apiz told me that there is a Futsal Competition tomorrow and I was like, "Wokeh!". Actually, this futsal thing is about UMNO. Probably, there are more than 10 teams and our team was Safarat Malizi. and apiz joined the pakcik2.

OK, the first match was good. 2-2 . In my point of view, the 2 goals that we scored should have been caught by the keeper. I forgot the name of the team. I oled 3 times and dribble quite a few time also. I think it's better than scoring a 3-year old kid goal (implying to Apiz). He said that 1 goal is equal to 5 oles or 10 dribbles. WTH? during the game...i don't know..i felt so tired. I was almost to vomit although it was only a 16 minutes game. I left the pitch on the tenth. zzzzzzz...usually i can last longer than this and I was replaced by one of the Pakcik, a chubby one. But still, the score was still 2-2..i'm glad.

To refresh back our energy, we went to drink at Yusop's Cafe. We discussed our gameplay and strategy. He said me and apiz will be in midfield running up and down and the 2 pakcik will be staying as a striker and a defender. I was relieved. I had restored back my energy and move on to the second match.

The team that we were playing against was DMAK something. One of the team members was somebody i knew and guess the score?? was officially whooped. That was some tiring game. There was suppose to be a third match, but the pakcik2 and us went home coz they're all worn out.

A Visit to Citadel

It was boring. Maybe it was because of one of these factors :
1) I had no friends to talk to
2) I had already been there
Oh yeah. It brought back many memories. This would be the second time I've been to Citadel. Remember my photo with the canon?? there is a police guarding it. huhuhuhu...Actually, this trip was all about Perwakilan Cairo. In short, the Mothers. So, it was damn boring. Here are some photos.WOoohOOOO......i fled when the photo was taken. ngehh..
If you notice, there is a red circle behind. I was inside the 'small canon' practicing Wild Ones...PRACTICALLY!!..
Yes..Jasmine...Weeeeeeeee.....=DThe Military Planes....Finally!! Lunch at ARMA. Tired, Hungry and continues but Dota saved me. LOL..just kidding. BADABIM BADABOOM...


aaa..yes. credit to Apiz by the way ( I helped HIM ). Anyway, ENJOY!

1.04.10 A Day To Remember

Lemme kick it to you right quick. OF course, we all know that today is April Fool..etc. I'm gettin' tired to this kinda shit for example, "Look...there is blood on your hair" and the similar ones. IT IS SO LAME. But..there is one that i thought it was cool. A teacher punk'd a student. It happened in the morning assembly. The French Teacher and Roger. o.O Here's the conversation. (I watched and listened to the whole thing).

French Teacher : Roger, you left your notebook in the hall right?
Roger : No, I have it in my bag Miss
*while Roger was searching for the book desperately*
French Teacher : It was torn apart correct?!
*Roger showing his book with fear*
French Teacher : APRIL FOOL!

That is SICK! I yelled to his face that he got punk'd BADLY!

With Ms. Nerida, we organise a party every month. So, every kid brought their own food.
Suddenly, my stomach went wild on a Maggi kinda thing. It was a bit spicy. But..HELL YEAH! IT'S DAMN GOOD! I took 5 rounds or 5 pinggan of the Maggi. Really, It's the truth.

We celebrated at Hardees coz Husni, Muaz and Husna are leaving Egypt for good.

Look like a big pepsi right?? That's the art of Photography. WOHOOOO! Being a photgrapher is exciting!

Now, let me write like a goodbye letter to those 3 who are leaving.
Muaz Jamil a.k.a muja, mumu? etc.
I first met him in Rumah Kedah I think. Me, my bro and Husni were playing called "Bullshit" using a deck of cards. Spades, Hearts etc. kind of card. So, he came to a room that we were playing in. As usual, we greet each other first and he joined our game. Husni asked if he will join PISC or not and he repiled, "InsyaAllah". He was wearing something like a Tarboosh. I thought he was some kind of a young Mufti or something. . Afterwards, i got to know him more...and HAMPEH! like my Paklang would say, "CAKAP SERUPA ISLAM! TAPI MACAM BINATANG PUNYA PERANGAI!". Yea, that is my favourite quote. Anyway, he was born in the year 1995, a year older than me. He's a smart, tough boy. His position in Football is either a Defender or a Keeper. His idol is John Terry, Mr. Samer and Chelsea. He can't live without football as far as i think. I invited him to play DOTA but he refused coz he doesn't like a game that we have to click there, click here. But we're cool. So Muaz, I wish you all the BEST! i mean THE BEST! :P

Husni Hassan Basri a.k.a uni etc.

I came to Egypt in July 2006 while he came to Egypt in December 2006 or January 2007. Either way, it's not important. He has shared many stories, secrets, tricks etc. with me. He plays as a midfielder at first but now is changed to defence. He is fast. I usually play 1,2 with him. So we're usually together in a team. He plays kinda funny though. He plays dota also. But of course, I'm better than him. Sorry for the picture la...I have to zoom it. He was far, Don't want to walk far for a picture. Anyway, I don't want this post to be long, so i will shorten it. GOOD LUCK! don't forget to read my blog!wakakak...I wish you all the best and i still remember the "tall", the "short" and more! If you have anything more to share, please do. BE A PRO PILOT AND A PRO DOTA-ER. Alright!

Husna Jamil a.k.a (don't know)

I first knew about her when Haidhar told me the Director's daughter is incredibly tall but I'm taller :D. I don't really know much about her. She has a soft voice. ermmm...ehem3 Apiz. She's a MAN UTD fan i think or is it wrong. Muaz is her brother. She's the oldest of her siblings. She was born in the year 1994, 2 years older than me. Sorry, for this part. I wish you all the best and will become the best Surgeon!