I was just browsing to see if there's any interesting news. There..I caught one. Read the actual news
here. I'm not scared though. I think, if Egyptians are racist, they wouldn't offend a south-east Asian. I love Egyptians. Really. The fact that I'm in an Egyptian school gives me the opportunity to observe deeper.
Mean Girls 2. wakakak. Just look at Lindsay Lohan now. Back and forth to the rehab. It's like a second home to her now. After 7 years, the're making a sequel. More of a remake in my point of view. The previous actresses are not there. I predict that the movie is gonna be lame.
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Daily Life,
Plastic screw-ups,
Moustache of Destiny! |
Abg Mahdi. Just to start with, his ancestors was Arabs and migrated to Malaysia. I still need to do some reasearch....hmm...and he has to marry a woman named 'Sharifah' so the traditions of his family would go on. I'm kinda vague about his heritage. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Nevertheless, a few days ago, he's been diagnosed with Hepatitis A. He's also been quarantined for a week in a lonely hospital. It's really lonely. It started with a fever, headache...these kind of symptoms. A few days ago, my father joined a club that was created by Husni's dad, a family club. So yesterday, the families that joined the club, went to IBC...yes..the bowling centre. My right hand is still cramping. To get to the point, my whole family went to the hospital but only me and my dad visited him. Luckily, when I was in a primary school, erm....for every 6 months, ambulance came with the nurses. For the flu vaccines and more. I hated it. The feeling when the needle penetrated down your skin, It's terrifying then not now =D. I don't hate nurses, I hate dentists. Arghh, I still remember the moment when the doctor said that he was gonna rinse my mouth with his equipment. Instead, he pulled out my tooth. I wasn't ready for that. Up to this day, I hate dentists.
Back to the hospital, I'll upload a few pictures then I'll continue the story after.
Aiseyyhh...I got a few more pictures, but with this crappy internet connection of mine, the uploading cannot be done.
I wanna talk about the hospital first. We gotta pay an entrance fee to visit the patients. L.E 1 per person. It's suppose to be free. No charge at all. I think the money won't go to the charity or make the facilities in the hospital better. It's his 'Shai' money, meaning tea. We went there while the sky was black. Like I said, really lonely. If were to be quarantined in this hospital, I'd suffer from loneliness more than the disease that I've been diagonosed with.
Abg Mahdi is still in a very weak state. He takes out the blood on his own. The nurses there failed to put the needle properly and missed the blood vessel and the part became swollen. He got a long needle inside his right hand. Making him unable to move the arm properly. The needle is in the flesh. Aaaa. Zaki was there, the cleaner's husband who comes for about 3 times a week. He helps Mahdi if he wants to go to the toilet...stuffs like that. He has NO APPETITE. Even the nurses threw away the food right away. One of his friend was there too.
Anyway, that's it for now. Hope you get better. FIGHTING!
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Daily Life,
To begin, Agaza means holiday and Iniharda means today. It's Egyptian Arabic. No-one, I repeat no-one speaks the Old Arabic or Fushah if you wanna call it. The Fushah Arabic is only for writing. It's a pain in the neck whenever I go to Malaysia and someone speaks to me in Old arabic. I forgot even how to reply. I'm in an Egyptian school so that I can improve my Colloquial (local) Arabic. The best way to learn Arabic is to be friends with a native speaker. Even in Saudi Arabia, the Arabic is different.
Back to my main point, I finally have holidays. YEHAHAHAHA. Although, the real holidays doesn't start until the last week of Jan and the first week of Feb. They close the school because all of them are having mid-terms. From the 20th onwards they have Arabic, Social Studies and Religion exams. A big exam I may say. SO they're focusing on acing these. While me, I'm not taking those 3, I'm free for this whole month. I now feel a bit superior. Just kidding mate. Still, I gotta workout the upper system.
The video below is quite awesome, so SMILE!
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So I've been thinking of a much better title than 'Behind the scenes of life' and I got one. It's one of my English teacher's quotes. Kinda appealing ain't it? With the 'Homer Simpson' picture just makes it so much more better. Post will be short, just an update to let you know I've a new title and a new picture.
Keep reading! =D
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New Improvements,
YEHAHAHA. Going to be 15 this year which mean I've to take PMR if I hadn't move here. That's probably going to be one of the most crucial exam. So my friends in Malaysia have to face the exam. Speaking about Malaysia, MALAYSIA WON THE 2010 SUZUKI CUP!!! YEAH! with the aggregate 4-2 against Indonesia. I have Indonesians friends so I think they're pretty pissed. To be frank, that was the first...no..second, the first match that I saw Malaysia played was with 'Myteam'. So it was the second match, big deal. I'm not very patriotic of our National football team. Even with this damn slow internet connection of mine, I still managed to watch the game. After a few days, the match between 'Ahly' and 'Zamalek'. So the day before the game, a lot...and when I say a lot..it's a lot. They asked me are you 'Ahlawy' or 'Zamalkawy' so I said neither. I don't tend to watch Egyptian leagues. For you that might get offended, please close this tab, this is my blog and I can do whatever the hell I want. Seriously, don't get offended.

You know what, this blog of mine is 1 year old!!!! Sanah helwa ya gamii, sanah helawa ya gami, sanah helwa sanah helwa, sanah helwa ya gamii!! YEAYYY!! Give or take, I've written about 60 post. That, from my opinion is a good amount writing for a blogger newbie. I'll be writing more in the future. =D
Take out the 'liv' in the picture beside and replace it with 'Hilmi's blog'. I took it off a blog. This is NOT MY OWN PICTURE. I don't wanna get sued. Enough of this plagiarism stuff.
So today I had a Chemistry exam, a mock to be exact. I'm really pleased with the difficulties of the exam. I like that kind of exam which is slightly hard. My time spent on studying was worth it. Not that kinda exam last year from whom I'm not going to say. It was freaking easy. My time spent studying that was wasted. zzzzz...my brother and sisters are having holidays while my school is still on. Damn I'm jealous.
Anyway, may this year be better than the previous one. That's my resolution for this year. Happy New Year people!
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Happy New year,