No post will be added in the upcoming 3 weeks. Sorry. :(
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Exam dowh,
Life in School,
Ok..I take back my word. I got to take their pictures individually. I can't get the whole family photo because all of them were busy. Here is the picture that I edited.

(click to enlarge)
Although it's simple, but it's amazing yea? Anyway, all I'm asking from you all is that don't forget me and try to read my blog every week. hehehehe..gonna miss you all. All of the hardships and dissing was fun but now it has come to an end. I really hope we'll meet again and I'm not going to waste the opportunity if I it's still in the grasp of my hand.
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Friend's leaving,
Remember the last post about IBC? that was just for fun. This time it was because "the Zainuddin's" is leaving. The goodbye letter won't be in this post. Sorry. But still.. it is a continuation because I haven't got their pictures yet. JUAL MAHAL DOWH! Every time I tried to take their picture, they hide their face.zzzzzzz. So, I won't take individual picture for them anymore. The whole family now. No Complaints. Finally someone has uploaded the photos in Facebook. So now I can share it with you!

Tenkiu...Tenkiu..Paparazzi is no where in sight....

Is it a little BWIRDIE?



You got style la Ahmad..

Yes..imagine you're in Wonderland...don't mind other things...release your anger!!RAWR! Well Done Husna! =D

Will he strike it??..Will he?? YESSS he did strike it..EPIC!

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First of all lemme tell you the good part. Maybe I didn't tell you this part about football. You see, There are like 2 captains in each team. First team( the BEST!) : Me and Evandro. Second team : Abu and Andro. The previous match our team scored 9 while they scored 5. I mean...we tried to give them chance but God has restricted us to do so. I scored 5 awesome goals. MUAHAHAHAHAHA. My team consists of :
1) Hilmi (striker)
2)Evandro (midfielder)
3) Imran (defensive midfielder)
4) Samuel ( goal keeper...don't mind him)
5) Roger (defender)
6) Abdullah (defender)
7) Qasim (striker..we put him forward coz he can't do shit in defending but he's good ya3ni)
Their team consists of :
1) Abu (midfielder, he's actually a striker but he's team is shit that's why he has to run the whole pitch)
2) Andro (defensive midfielder)
3) Mustafa (wing)
4) Emad ( Attacking midfielder)
5) Bilal (defender)
6) Pallav (defender)
7) Talha (goalkeeper)
8) Zain (midfielder)
Notice that their team has 8 players while my team has 7. But the game was SICK! We recorded it. in English, I got detention again. An IG student opposed Ms. Nerida's point of view and while she was talking about what the guy has said I started laughing. She caught me. But it was truly worth it. But of course, my friends tried to back me up and all of them are going to stay with me in break. WAKKAKAKAKAK...
Anyway, exam is coming and I still didn't get pictures in IBC. So I can't publish a post about the Zainuddin's leaving Egypt. I'll try my best to post it as soon as I can. PEACE Y'ALL.
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Life in School
I'm only gonna blog for 5 minutes.
"Samuel"I have already talked about him in the football post before I'm going to tell you some good stupidity right here. He said that he was born in Austria and live there...ok..we believe it. His lying ability is like cow dunk (can't compare with roger). He said that his mother is from France. Then why is HE FULL BLACK? but on a second thought, her mom could be an African-French but we got another reason to prove.
In facebook, his name is Samuel Walter while in his copybook, book...etc is Samuel Okonko i think. Pure Nigerian Name and he denied it. The whole class V Samuel?? It's true he can speak French quite well but...if he live in Austria then he can speak German right?? Let me ask him today, no time. =D
Oh yeah, 1 last thing. The most annoying thing is that he sits in front of me. His face is always looking towards me. He talked a lot of crap. Every time in class he will say this phrase, " look like Chinese. You know why coz your eye is small". There are times when I feel like slapping him. Ohh..If Muaz were in my shoe, Samuel will be smacked by a Biology book everyday.
Aye..Aye...PEACE MATE!
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Life in School
02.05.2010The usual schedule ; waking up, brush my teeth and breakfast. Oh Yeah, I forgot to tell you that on the breakfast menu, they have this gorgeous looking, tiny sausage. I took like 10 at a time...(maybe more =D). It was Ze Best! After breakfast, we were suppose to go to the beach but surprisingly, IT'S FULL with mat saleh. So, right next to the beach, there is another swimming pool...WITH SLIDES! Sindbad is truly an Aqua Hotel. I swam for 30 minutes only, didn't feel good at that time, maybe it was because of yesterday. WHYYYYY!!!! I can't upload photos now!! anyway after that all of the Malaysian gang left the hotel. It was a short holiday and after I have arrived at home, I can't sleep and of course la...I didn't go to school.
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Let's start from the morning assembly shall we?
Right after the national anthem of Pak and Egy have finished the Principal put on his disgusted face and called out 2 students whom I know. I knew what was the lecturing thing was all about...AGGRESSIVE HAIRSTYLE. zzzzz..after he has just finished, he approached me slowly and point towards me. So I went to him. Argghhh!! It went like this :
Prinicipal : You..whha..whhh..WHAT IS THIS? (pointing towards my hair)
Me : *silent*
Principal : Did you wash your face?
Me : Yes, I did
Principal : Then what is this?
Me : Ok..ok...I'll go wash my face
My mind was thinking if he is going to slap me or not but luckily I EVADED. Haihh..
The second period was chem. I think you know la one likes the teacher. You know what, SHE FREAKING BROKE MY RULER! It's the second time in this year that people break my ruler. My first ruler was a barbie one (took it from sis). And all of those jakon people who have never seen a ruler took pictures of it and at the end of the day, that ruler broke. Luckily, the breaker gave me a new one. So, it was cool. But this!! A TEACHER BREAKS A STUDENTS RULER.
In Physics, the teacher compared me to Mustafa which my mom would compare to Muaz (everyone is unique la..). The conversation :
Teacher : Mustafa..HAH..why don't you get a good mark on the previous quiz?
Mustafa : SIR!! we are different
Teacher : Different? He has 2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 nose and so on just like you...
Mustafa : Nooo...He's White!
The whole class giggled.
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Life in School